98 research outputs found

    The transfer of IgA from mucus to plasma and the implications for diagnosis and control of nematode infections

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    Immunoglobulin A (IgA) activity has been associated with reduced growth and fecundity of Teladorsagia circumcincta. IgA is active at the site of infection in the abomasal mucus. However, while IgA activity in abomasal mucus is not easily measured in live animals without invasive methods, IgA activity can be readily detected in the plasma, making it a potentially valuable tool in diagnosis and control. We used a Bayesian statistical analysis to quantify the relationship between mucosal and plasma IgA in sheep deliberately infected with T. circumcincta. The transfer of IgA depends on mucosal IgA activity as well as its interaction with worm number and size; together these account for over 80% of the variation in plasma IgA activity. By quantifying the impact of mucosal IgA and worm number and size on plasma IgA, we provide a tool that can allow more meaningful interpretation of plasma IgA measurements and aid the development of efficient control programmes

    Automatización de una planta de almacenaje y distribución de mercancías usando Factory I/O y Codesys

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    Con este trabajo de fin de grado se busca abordar un problema de automatización de un almacén de mercancías lo suficientemente complejo para poder llegar a comprender y gestionar los aspectos más importantes y críticos de grandes plantas de almacenaje y distribución. La planta se ha diseñado y construido en un simulador de la empresa Real Games, llamado Factory IO debido a su evidente sencillez en comparación con lo que supondría el montaje de la planta real.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industrial

    Path finding methods accounting for stoichiometry in metabolic networks

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    Graph-based methods have been widely used for the analysis of biological networks. Their application to metabolic networks has been much discussed, in particular noting that an important weakness in such methods is that reaction stoichiometry is neglected. In this study, we show that reaction stoichiometry can be incorporated into path-finding approaches via mixed-integer linear programming. This major advance at the modeling level results in improved prediction of topological and functional properties in metabolic networks

    Comportamiento epidemiológico de la enfermedad periodontal en pacientes diabéticos del policlínico Moncada

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    La Diabetes Mellitus es una enfermedad de alta repercusión a nivel mundial. Desde hace mucho tiempo se ha estudiado el papel que ella tiene en el inicio y evolución de la enfermedad periodontal. Motivados por este tema, desarrollamos un estudio descriptivo transversal en el período comprendido de mayo a septiembre del 2005, en el Policlínico Moncada. El objetivo es conocer el comportamiento de la enfermedad periodontal en los pacientes diabéticos de esta área de salud. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes diabéticos mayores de 10 años de edad, de los que se tomó una muestra en 150 personas por muestreo simple aleatorio. Los resultados arrojaron que la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal en ellos fue alta, predominando las formas severas de la enfermedad. Tanto su prevalencia como gravedad aumentaron con la edad.  </strong

    The smartphone in research: The instant messenger as an ally to reduce trial drop-outs

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    El permanente avance de la telefonía móvil en la vida diaria puede traducirse en beneficios para los investigadores, especialmente en el campo de la salud. Hay varios motivos para ello: la reducción de gastos derivados de las llamadas telefónicas, del SMS, así como del tiempo dedicado a la puesta en contacto con los sujetos; puede ser una herramienta de anonimato perfecta, asociando un código a un número de teléfono; se tiene constancia del momento en que el sujeto ha leído la información suministrada por el investigador y además permite una mayor cercanía entre el participante y el investigador

    Seasonally timed treatment programs for Ascaris lumbricoides to increase impact - an investigation using mathematical models

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    There is clear empirical evidence that environmental conditions can influence Ascaris spp. free-living stage development and host reinfection, but the impact of these differences on human infections, and interventions to control them, is variable. A new model framework reflecting four key stages of the A. lumbricoides life cycle, incorporating the effects of rainfall and temperature, is used to describe the level of infection in the human population alongside the environmental egg dynamics. Using data from South Korea and Nigeria, we conclude that settings with extreme fluctuations in rainfall or temperature could exhibit strong seasonal transmission patterns that may be partially masked by the longevity of A. lumbricoides infections in hosts; we go on to demonstrate how seasonally timed mass drug administration (MDA) could impact the outcomes of control strategies. For the South Korean setting the results predict a comparative decrease of 74.5% in mean worm days (the number of days the average individual spend infected with worms across a 12 month period) between the best and worst MDA timings after four years of annual treatment. The model found no significant seasonal effect on MDA in the Nigerian setting due to a narrower annual temperature range and no rainfall dependence. Our results suggest that seasonal variation in egg survival and maturation could be exploited to maximise the impact of MDA in certain settings

    Elimination or resurgence : modelling lymphatic filariasis after reaching the 1% microfilaremia prevalence threshold

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    The low prevalence levels associated with lymphatic filariasis elimination pose a challenge for effective disease surveillance. As more countries achieve the World Health Organization criteria for halting mass treatment and move on to surveillance, there is increasing reliance on the utility of transmission assessment surveys (TAS) to measure success. However, the long-term disease outcomes after passing TAS are largely untested. Using 3 well-established mathematical models, we show that low-level prevalence can be maintained for a long period after halting mass treatment and that true elimination (0% prevalence) is usually slow to achieve. The risk of resurgence after achieving current targets is low and is hard to predict using just current prevalence. Although resurgence is often quick (<5 years), it can still occur outside of the currently recommended postintervention surveillance period of 4–6 years. Our results highlight the need for ongoing and enhanced postintervention monitoring, beyond the scope of TAS, to ensure sustained success

    3D printed carboxymethyl cellulose scaffolds for autologous growth factors delivery in wound healing

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    This work aims to use carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as main structural and functional component of 3D printed scaffolds for healing of diabetic wounds. Differently from previous inks involving small contents in CMC, herein sterile (steam-heated) concentrated CMC solely dispersions (10–20%w/v) were screened regarding printability and fidelity properties. CMC (15%w/v)-citric acid inks showed excellent self-healing rheological properties and stability during storage. CMC scaffolds loaded with platelet rich plasma (PRP) sustained the release of relevant growth factors. CMC scaffolds both with and without PRP promoted angiogenesis in ovo, stem cell migration in vitro, and wound healing in a diabetic model in vivo. Transparent CMC scaffolds allowed direct monitoring of bilateral full-thickness wounds created in rat dorsum. CMC scaffolds facilitated re-epithelialization, granulation, and angiogenesis in full-thickness skin defects, and the performance was improved when combined with PRP. Overall, CMC is pointed out as outstanding component of active dressings for diabetic woundsS

    Conduct intentions, knowledge and attitudes towards hands hygiene in a sample of Medicine and Nursing students

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    Introducción: La higiene de manos es una intervención clave para reducir la infección asociada a la asistencia sanitaria, se propone un estudio de la intención de conducta, los conocimientos y las actitudes de los estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería ante la Higiene de Manos. Metodología: Estudio transversal mediante la aplicación del Cuestionario de Higiene de Manos con el que se miden las dimensiones de intención de conducta antes y después del contacto con el paciente, conocimientos y actitudes sobre la higiene de manos en una muestra de estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería. Resultados: Aparecen diferencias importantes entre estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería en todas las dimensiones, así como entre se los estudiantes de tercer y sexto curso de Medicina. Existe una mayor concienciación en el colectivo de Enfermería. Discusión: Los resultados son coherentes con los reflejados en las observaciones directas realizadas sobre profesionales sanitarios y sugieren la necesidad de una intervención de tipo transversal que aumente la importancia concedida a la higiene de manos en la formación de los futuros profesionales sanitarios.Introduction: hands hygiene is a key intervention in the reduction of the infections associated to sanitary assistance. We propose a study on the medicine and nursing students' conduct intentions, knowledge and attitudes towards hands hygiene. Methodology: study through the application of a Hands Hygiene questionnaire with which we measure the dimensions of the conduct intentions before and after the being in touch with the patient, as well as the knowledge and attitudes towards hands hygiene in a sample of medicine and nursing students. Results: There are important differences between medicine and nursing students in every aspect, as well as between third and sixth medicine students. There exists a deeper awareness about it in the nursing group. Discussion: the results cohere with those shown in the straight observations made upon sanitary professionals, and they suggest the necessity of a deep intervention to highlight the importance of hands hygiene in the formation of future sanitary professionals

    Own feeling of "santandereanidad": Reflection of literature and authors

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    El artículo de revisión presenta la visión de Santandereanidad representada en las obras de los literatos del Departamento de Santander y la importancia del patrimonio cultural de la región en las obras célebres de los autores del departamento. El resultado obtenido fue una visión negativa al no transmitirse el legado cultural por diversos factores descritos brevemente en el cuerpo del trabajo. El artículo al estar articulado al Semillero de Investigación en Literatura (Silencio) de la Unab y al proyecto de investigación interinstitucional “Turismo literario en las obras y autores inspiradores de la santandereanidad”, profundiza en la visión del ser santandereano expresada en la literatura folclórica de obras como “Acuarelas Folclóricas de Santander”de Juan de la-Fuente y “Aspectos folklóricos del Departamento de Santander” de Luis Alberto Acuña.The review article presents the vision of Santandereanidad represented in the works of the writers of the Department of Santander and the importance of the cultural heritage of the region in the famous works of the authors of the department. The result obtained was a negative view as the cultural legacy was not transmitted due to various factors briefly described in the body of the work. The article, being articulated to the Research Center in Literature (Silence) of the Unab and to the inter-institutional research project "Literary Tourism in the inspiring works and authors of Santander," delves into the vision of being Santander expressed in the folk literature of works such as “Folkloric Watercolors of Santander” by Juan de la-Fuente and “Folkloric Aspects of the Department of Santander” by Luis Alberto Acuña